代表取締役社長 木下康光
東京都中央区新富1-16-8 新富町営和ビル5階
- 代表者
代表取締役社長 木下 康光
プロフィール1952年 京都市生まれ
1976年 滋賀大学経済学部卒業
1978年 米デューク大学経済学部大学院(修士課程)卒業
◆Master of Arts (MA) in Economics, Graduate School of Duke University 経済学修士
◆Designated Member of the Madeira Wine Brotherhood マデイラワイン騎士団公式メンバー(2008年認定)
◆英国WSET International Higher Certificate
- 従業員数
- 6名
- 設立
- 2018年10月
- 資本金
- 1億円
- 事業内容
- 酒類の輸入・卸売販売
- 取扱品目
- ポルトガル・マデイラ島産のワイン、ジン、ラム、リキュール、ビール等
- 取引銀行
- 三菱UFJ銀行
〒104-0042 東京都中央区入船2丁目2番14号 U−AXIS 6階
HP :
設立 1994年5月
資本金 8,000万円
事業内容 酒類の輸入・卸売販売
代表者 代表取締役社長 木下康光
- 木下インターナショナル株式会社の事業は、現在の代表取締役社長・木下康光の祖父である伊三郎が、大正11年(1922年)に京都市南区で雑貨小売店を創業したことに始まります。その後、伊三郎の長男である康弘(康光の父)が、終戦の昭和20年(1945年)から事業を継ぎ、
- 業務用小売酒販、洋酒の輸入卸販売、リキュールや果実酒の製造業などに業態を広げました。それが1991年に設立されたシャトー酒折ワイナリー株式会社、1994年に設立された木下インターナショナル株式会社につながります。
Estrada da Ribeira Garcia Parque Empresarial de Câmara de Lobos,
Lote 8 9300-324 Câmara de Lobos PORTUGAL
HP :
会長:木下 康光
輸出先: 日本、アメリカ、イギリス、フランス、ドイツ、ベルギー、スペイン、イタリア、スイス、ノルウェー、ロシア、オーストラリア、その他
- バーベイト社は、1946年にポルトガル・マデイラ島においてマリオ・バーベイト氏によって設立されたマデイラワインの製造会社です。
現在は、その創業者の孫であるリカルド・フレイタスが現地の代表者として経営にあたっています。バーベイト・マデイラワインは、 - 1967年に木下が初めて日本に輸入を開始。その優れた品質により、マデイラワインの市場で圧倒的なシェアを占有し続けています。2008年11月には、新ワイナリーをカマラ・デ・ロボスにオープン。マデイラワイン製造会社としては最新の近代的設備で製造を行っています。
〒400-0804 山梨県甲府市酒折町1338-203
HP :
代表者:代表取締役社長 木下 康永(きのした やすなが)
1960年 京都市生まれ
1983年 慶應義塾大学法学部卒業
- シャトー酒折は1991年5月に、日本を代表するワインの産地である山梨県甲府市を一望できる風光明媚な酒折の地に、ワイナリーをオープンしました。この酒折は、古事記や日本書紀にも記された、山梨で最も歴史ある地として知られています。
- アジアモンスーン気候である日本。葡萄栽培、ワイン造りに適した風土とは言えないなかで、先人たちは、この気候に適した栽培方法を確立し、高品質の葡萄を産出してきました。そんな気候風土で長きにわたり栽培し続けられてきた醸造用品種『甲州』『マスカットベリーA』を中心に、コストパフォーマンスの高いワインを生産。さらに、優秀な栽培家と協力関係を築きながら、世界に発信できるプレミアムワインの品質向上にも取り組んでいます。
Message from our President
Ever since I started importing Madeira wine to Japan more than 50 years ago, I have often been asked why I took that decision. To this day I have no definite answer to that question. Instead, I feel as if Madeira wine had chosen me and that promoting it throughout the world is my mission rather than a decision. From my first encounter with a glass of Madeira wine to the journey that led us to start a joint-venture with Madeira wine producer Vinhos Barbeito, through all the stages that included numerous sojourns on Madeira Island and deep friendships made with many of the island’s people, I have come to strongly feel that among the very few Japanese who knew the true magnificence of Madeira wine, I was best placed to promote it in Japan, and it is this special feeling that has supported and accompanied me in my endeavors to this day.
Although first and long known in Japan merely as a sauce ingredient used in French cuisine, Madeira wine is now acknowledged and enjoyed for itself as a drink in many bars and restaurants throughout the country. That said, there are still many more establishments that do not serve Madeira wine than those which do, and my dream – indeed my goal, is that it becomes the norm to find it on the counter of all bars, enjoyed and loved by patrons as a regular choice among all the other unique drinks of this world.
It is in order to achieve that goal more effectively that Madeira Japan Co., Ltd, specialized in the import and marketing of Madeira wine in Japan, was founded in October 2018. Linking closely with Kinoshita International Co., Ltd, our main sales company for all our Madeira wines, we intend to push forward in our aim of popularizing Madeira wine nationwide.
Yasumitsu Kinoshita M.A.
Madeira Japan Co., Ltd
Company Profile
Shintomi-cho Eiwa Bldg. 5F, 1-16-8, Shintomi-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0041 Japan
5 minute walk from subway station Hatchobori (Hibiya subway line or JR Keio line) exit A2
- Representative
Yasumitsu Kinoshita M.A.
Profile1952:birth in Kyoto City
1976:graduation from the Economics Dept. of Shiga University
1978:Master of Arts (MA) in Economics, Graduate School of Duke University, USA
◆2008:designated member, with the degree of Master, of the Brotherhood of Madeira Wine
◆Certified sommelier by the Japan Sommelier Association (JSA)
◆Recipient of the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) International Higher Certificate
Article of Faith:“Perseverance fosters Strength”
Language Skills:English learned during University years in the USA, and a little French
Hobbies: Golf & Reading
- Date of Establishment
- October 2018
- Registered Capital
- 100 million yen
- Services Provided
- Import and wholesale distribution of alcoholic drinks
- Transacted articles
- Madeira wine, gin, rum, liqueur, beer etc. from Madeira Island
- Number of employees
- 6
- Banking Partners
- Mitsubishi UFJ Bank,
Group Companies
Kinoshita International Co., Ltd.
From October 16, 2020
U-AXIS 6F, 2-2-14, Irifune, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0042, Japan
5 minute walk from subway station Hatchobori
(Hibiya subway line or JR Keio line) exit A2
- The history of Kinoshita International started as a sundry goods shop opened by the current president’s grandfather Isaburo Kinoshita in 1922 in the Minami ward of Kyoto. From 1945 at the end of the war, his eldest son Yasuhiro then expanded the business by selling sake to the restaurateurs, importing and wholesale distributing foreign alcohols, as well as producing various fruit liquors. The latter part of the business would later be developped into Chateau Sakaori Winery Co., Ltd in 1991, while the import and wholesale distribution business would become the foundation of Kinoshita International Co., Ltd in 1994.
- The company has thus known many transformations but has always continued its core activities throughout the years. Nowadays and apart from selling all the Madeira wines imported by Madeira Japan, Kinoshita International imports and distributes a wide range of producers loved by consumers, starting from Jacques Selosse and other champagnes or Bourgogne wines, New Zealand’s iconic pioneer Villa Maria, Dr. Demuth and their quality fruit wines from Germany and many more others, not to mention its portfolio of premium Portuguese wines it has been promoting for many long years and which are now gaining the reputation they deserve – brands that the company endeavors to foster and build up in Japan only after being convinced of their quality following due tasting.
Vinhos Barbeito (Madeira), Lda
Estrada da Ribeira Garcia Parque Empresarial de Câmara de Lobos, Lote 8 9300-324 Câmara de Lobos PORTUGAL
Date of Establishment:1946
President:Mr. Ricardo Diogo V. Freitas
- Vinhos Barbeito (Madeira), Lda has been making Madeira wine since 1946 when the company was established on Madeira Island by Mario Barbeito. It is now run by his grand-son Ricardo Freitas. Barbeito's Madeira wines were first imported to Japan
- in 1967 by the Kinoshita group, and has since secured the lion's share of the Japanese market of Madeira wines thanks to their high intrinsic quality. Jointly-run by Kinoshita International since 1991 when the group acquired 50% of the shares (now owned by Madeira Japan), Barbeito opened its new winery in November 2008 in Camara de Lobos, and now produces wines on the latest modern equipment.
Château Sakaori Winery
1338-203 Sakaori-cho, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0804 Japan
Date of Establishment:1969
Registered Capital:70 million yens
Service provided:Production and sales of wines and liqueurs
Representative:Mr. Yasunaga Kinoshita, President
1960:birth in Kyoto City
1983:graduation from the Law Dept. of Keio University
- Château Sakaori Winery was established in May 1991 on the beautiful hill of Sakaori which overlooks the city of Kofu in northern Yamanashi - a prefecture renown for producing the best wines in Japan. Sakaori is also the most historical place in the prefecture, already mentioned in the Chronicles of Japan, the 2nd oldest book of Japanese classical history penned in 720.
- In an environment unfavorable to grape growing due to humid weather and the yearly monsoon, our ancestors managed to adapt their viticulture methods in order to obtain high quality grapes suitable for winemaking. Thanks to these methods and to grapes like “Koshu” or “Muscat Bailey A”, some of the most representative native winemaking varieties, Château Sakaori is able to not only produce excellent cost performance wines for daily consumption, but in collaboration with some of the region’s finest grape growers, continues to work towards creating premium wines of world standard level. The winery now also produces our Ume-shu and Yuzu-shu (Japanese plum and Yuzu citrus liqueurs) that were once produced in our facilities in Oume town in Tokyo.